Welcome to the Flow Coach Network!
We are excited for your future as a coach. After you get your Flow Coach Accreditation we can invite you to the Flow Coach Network, a community of Flow Coaches making footprints in the world.
Whether you need extra coaching or mentorship or you want to keep your credentials up-to-date, we are here to help and collaborate.
The Flow Coach Network Aims
Bring Flow Coaches together
Offer support and guidance
Provide mentorship and supervision
Create collaborations between coaches
Offer work opportunities
Offer business advice
Offer exposure through Flow Centre Channels
Deliver ongoing training
Create community events
Help you to be your best
What Does a Flow Coach Do?
Coach people to improve HUMAN performance through integrating the principles of flow.
How Does a Flow Coach Work With Organisations?
Flow Coaching Principles
Multi-Disciplined Approach
Our training is based on proven
research and practice from a
hybrid of scientific disciplines.
Multi-Skilled Approach
Our training targets both
fundamental and optimal
aspects of development.
Multi-Faceted Approach
Our training is holistic in nature,
working towards sustainable
harmony and application.